Services & Rates

Running Assessment

Let's see where you are! Every race has a starting line and this is the start line of your journey with me as a runner. This workout will take you through an easy pace warm-up, a sprint/fast pace interval, and a cool-down. This run will serve as the benchmark for your training and helps me evaluate your fitness level. 

We offer complimentary running assessments on Monday nights at 5:30 in the Bordentown, NJ area. Fill out the Contact Me form above to coordinate!


Monthly: $150

Ready to really ace that next race? Whether it’s a 10k, full marathon, or anything in between, a customized training plan based on your current fitness level and goal will help get you there. We'll break down all of the regular metrics including, but not limited to, heart rate, stride length, and cadence. 

The plan will be built around your schedule and focus on having you in peak condition leading up to race day. My primary training platform is Final Surge. Sign up here!


Monthly: $115

This subscription is for the beginner runner. Running is not easy and we want to help you through one of the toughest parts—getting started. With this subscription, our aim is to set small attainable goals and then begin chipping away. Is a 5k feeling daunting? That’s okay. The initial goal is always just to move forward. 

We'll work around your schedule and build a plan that is tailored to YOU, making adjustments as needed. Every person is different and will adapt to a running regimen differently. We will determine your strengths as well as your opportunities for improvement, and build you into what you already are—a RUNNER. Register here!



Not quite ready to commit to a monthly subscription, but still want to try us out? Sign up for one month! We are taking registrations until the end of 2023 or until spots are filled. This is the perfect gift to jump start your training! ENDUR FOR A MONTH